Poly Reading List


Find out what books are popular for learning about polyamory. I’ll tell you who should read them based on your situation.

More Than Two

More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory

Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert

Everyone! Covers the basics of polyamory and goes in depth on relationship styles, agreements, jealousy, and more. It’s the book I wish I’d read when I started my poly journey, if it had existed back then.

Editor’s Note: In January 2019 Franklin Veaux was accused of abuse by Eve Rickert and other former partners. While we still believe this book is valuable for new polyamorists, read this book with the understanding that it was written in the context of an emotionally abusive relationship. More here: itrippedonthepolystair.com

Love’s Not Color Blind: Race and Representation in Polyamorous and Other Alternative Communities

Kevin A. Patterson

People of color and those who love them. Learn how to navigate polyamorous relationships while being a member of a minority group. Read our review.

The Polyamorists Next Door

The Polyamorists Next Door: Inside Multiple-Partner Relationships and Families

Dr. Elisabeth Sheff

Everyone! Dr. Sheff is the premier researcher on polyamory and presents an in-depth view of the ways people practice polyamory. She admits she did not get enough voices from people of color–maybe the next edition? Read our review.

Sex At Dawn

Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships

Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha

Science minded folks who want to prove that nonmonogamy has been common all along. The authors take an anthropological view of human relationships and assert that the modern view of marriage is unnatural.

When Someone You Love is Poly

When Someone You Love Is Polyamorous: Understanding Poly People and Relationships

Dr. Elisabeth Sheff

Your mono family and friends. This is a short volume that explains the basics of polyamory and hopefully encourages a longer conversation about how and why you chose to be nonmonogamous.

Opening Up

Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships

Tristan Taormino

Couples looking to explore together. This book goes over the basic forms of nonmonogamy and offers tips specifically for couples already involved.

The Ethical Slut

The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures

Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton

Baby boomers. This book was revolutionary when the first edition came out, but anyone born after the birth of MTV will find it underwhelming and obvious. It’s required reading if only to learn how far we’ve come.

Ask Me About Polyamory

Ask Me About Polyamory!

Kimchi Cuddles

Poly and queer lovers. Tikva Wolf is a delightful cartoonist and her comics give an overview of all the aspects of polyamory with funny and realistic characters.

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